The Project

About us

Providing a green energy network for Wales.
We're acting now to build and operate a green energy network for Wales, that will make sure 100% renewable energy can flow to our homes, hospitals, schools, businesses, and communities.

We’re an independent and fast-growing business that is 100% funded by Bute Energy Group and its investment partners.

We’re playing a pivotal role in creating a more resilient and reliable network – providing for a future in which we all rely more on electricity as we move away from gas and oil. We have a vision for a healthier, wealthier Wales that uses energy generation as a positive power for the world, for Wales, for local communities – for this and future generations.

Bute Energy is proposing a portfolio of Energy Parks and Green GEN Cymu is connecting them, responding to the challenge of climate change by developing a stronger, more resilient renewable electricity network that is greatly needed in Wales – distributing clean, green energy.

There’s endless potential for renewable energy in Wales – particularly from the wind that blows across our hills and mountains. But the green energy is stuck in the windy areas of Wales, and we need to get it to the homes, hospitals, schools, businesses, and communities that need it. Green GEN Cymru will meet this need.


Green GEN Cymru is applying to Ofgem for an electricity license as an Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO), with plans to build and operate an electricity network for new renewables. Our connections will make sure renewable energy can flow to our homes, hospitals, schools, businesses, and communities.

Bute Energy’s Community Benefit Fund

Bute Energy’s Community Benefit Fund

The Bute Energy Group will invest millions of pounds directly into communities closest to their projects.

Bute Energy could invest approximately £800 million into the fund throughout the lifetime of the projects, with an estimated £20 million a year to communities, all funded by Bute’s energy parks if consent is granted.

In an industry first, Bute will pay £7,500 per Megawatt (MW) of installed capacity into the fund which will then be shared with communities closest to Bute’s projects. The community benefit fund has now been extended to include communities closest to Green GEN Cymru’s connection projects, including Towy Teifi.

The fund already supports local groups, charities, and services. It sustains their work, fosters innovative projects for locals, and facilitates collaboration for large-scale legacy projects with the goal of keeping as much of our investment in Wales for the benefit of local communities.

We’re working with communities by:

  • supporting recreational, health and wellbeing improvements

  • enhancing local education offering

  • identifying more pathways into employment for local people

  • highlighting opportunities to celebrate local culture, heritage and biodiversity

If you have an idea of where you would like to see this money invested, we encourage you to get in touch via our community relations lines.

Project animation

Watch our project animation to find out more about the project, how it connects into the electricity network and why it is essential.

Your smarter, renewable future starts today.

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