Towy Teifi connection
Thank you to everyone who took part. Our feedback summary brochure, detailing key themes and insights taken from the feedback received during our 2024 consultation can be found here.
Green Gen Towy Teifi
Connecting renewable energy to homes and businesses to address the climate emergency.
In West Wales, the existing electricity network does not have the capacity to connect new renewables to homes and businesses. To end the use of fossil fuels we need new infrastructure and quickly.
Green GEN Cymru is proposing a new 132kV overhead line to connect Lan Fawr Energy Park in West Wales to the new National Grid substation in Carmarthen.
We know people have different views on new infrastructure and pylons in the landscape. We're focused on minimising disturbance to the environment and those who live, work, and enjoy recreation close to our proposals. We'll develop our project sensitively and consider if any of the connection needs to be placed underground in response to ongoing assessments and consultation feedback.
Powering a positive energy
We want to make sure Wales has the energy it needs in a Net Zero world.
There's endless potential for renewable energy in Wales - particularly from the wind that blows across our hills and mountains. But the green energy is stuck in the windy areas of Wales, and we need to get it to the homes, hospitals, schools, businesses, and communities that need it. To respond to this challenge and meet Welsh Government's target for 100% renewable electricity in Wales by 2035, we're developing a stronger, more resilient renewable electricity network that is greatly needed in Wales - distributing clean, green energy.
We want to build a positive, clean future for us all. Without the right infrastructure, delivering Wales' Net Zero vision is simply not possible.
Our preferred route
Please find our preferred route outlined on the map below. It has been split into five sections to make it easier to leave feedback.
We have organised our proposals into a linear map of the project with only the preferred route as a line, more information about each section and what has influenced our decisions can be found on our preferred route page.
Project animation
Watch our project animation to find out more about the project, how it connects into the electricity network and why it is essential.
Your smarter, renewable future starts today.
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