The Project

Our proposals

Green GEN Cymru is proposing a new 132kV overhead line to connect Lan Fawr Energy Park in West Wales to the new National Grid substation in Carmarthen.

The existing electricity network does not have the capacity to connect the proposed energy parks.

Green GEN Cymru is providing a new connection so the energy generated can be used in homes and businesses, locally and nationally.

The new connection needs to have sufficient capacity to carry the energy from Lan Fawr and other potential onshore wind developments in West Wales to the National Grid.

We’ve assessed options for how and where to connect the new Energy Parks to the existing network, looking at options in North and South Wales.

A new 132kV connection to the national electricity transmission network in Carmarthen is the most effective way to do this.

We also assessed options for a route for the new connection. While developing the preferred route we considered the Holford Rules, which set out principles for routeing overhead lines, including choosing natural backgrounds rather than sky backgrounds, and using open valleys with wooded areas rather than areas at height.

The best performing options were to connect to a point near Carmarthen, with a route through the Teifi valley.

Visual impacts and effects on the community were important to us when we identified this route.

For more information on Lan Fawr Energy Park, visit the project website:

Project animation

Watch our project animation to find out more about the project, how it connects into the electricity network and why it is essential.

Our preferred route

Please find our preferred route outlined on the map below. It has been split into five sections to make it easier to leave feedback.

We have organised our proposals into a linear map of the project with only the preferred route as a line, more information about each section and what has influenced our decisions can be found on our preferred route page.

Our preferred route map

The planning process

The Towy Teifi project qualifies as a Development of National Significance (DNS) in Wales. This is because it’s an overhead electric line of 132kV which is associated with a devolved generation station.

In this instance, the devolved generation station is the Carmarthen Substation proposed by National Grid.

As such, the application will be submitted to the Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) for review, before a final decision will be made by Welsh Ministers.

As a DNS, the project is subject to many requirements including a thorough environmental assessment and public consultation with community and stakeholders.

Wind farm connecting to the route

Project timeline


January 2024 - First public consultation


Second public consultation


Third public consultation (statutory)


Application is submitted to the PEDW for review


Winter - Earliest the application would be decided


Construction begins if the project is consented


Towy Teifi project is operational


Your smarter, renewable future starts today.

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